Hazel® para crop_name.

Extend the saleable window for ripened fruit with BreatheWay membrane technology.

Using patented membrane technology, BreatheWay's packaging platform maintains optimum atmosphere for bananas, maintaining color and texture, without the appearance of brown spots, for up to 3 days longer than standard methods.

Benefits include:

  • More marketable produce
  • Longer shelf life at retail
  • Optimized atmospheric conditions
  • Reduced incidences of browning
  • Retained texture

Amplíe la vida útil de su producto.

Soluciones sencillas para crop_name

Our products make it easy to keep your crop_name fresh in storage and transit.
After bananas ripen, the amount of time to sell product drastically decreases. BreatheWay can extend that window up to 3 days.
Hazel Breatheway®
Hazel Breatheway®

Hazel Breatheway®

Empaque respirable que regula activamente el flujo de gases en su interior, para garantizar que el aire alrededor de sus bayas esté óptimamente equilibrado y saludable.
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